About IV Therapy
Hectic everyday life of the modern world rarely meets the requirements of a healthy lifestyle. Malnutrition, stress, lack of sleep, and constant overwork, lead to the inability to maintain proper mineral and vitamin needs for correct cell functions. If these are some of things you experience day to day, IV Hydration of Austin brought to you by Dr. Jennifer Walden can be the solution for you.
What Is IV Therapy?
Intravenous (IV) therapy can be used for preventative and curative purposes, such as treating a hangover, or simply infusing the body with vitamin and micro elements. The procedure helps patients to revitalize the body, reduce fatigue, boost the immune system and improve sleep. IV therapies are aimed to achieve optimal health and performance which is a crucial factor in today’s fast paced world.
What Are The Benefits?
IV therapy has definite benefits and is extremely effective. The method is quick, efficient, and powerful. A large amount of saline fluid that carries antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and other supplements are injected to the vein. They get absorbed quickly and get to work promptly because they are delivered straight to the blood stream. IV Hydration of Austin offers ten different IV therapies, each tailored for a different purpose. Depending on ones needs, Dr. Walden’s team will recommend the best IV therapy treatment and plan to achieve your goals. You can view our complete pricing list for each injection to discuss before coming in for your consultation.
Uses Of IV Therapy
IV therapy may be used to alleviate symptoms and aid in recovery for a variety of medical conditions. We recommend that if you are acutely ill, please consult with your primary care physician. Once diagnosed and treated, IV therapy may help you to feel better and rehydrate, a key to throwing off many illnesses and feeling better afterwards. The most common of these medical conditions are:
- Acute strain or injury
- Acute viral illness that has been treated
- Allergic rhinitis
- Aging
- Asthma
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic sinusitis
- Depression
- Detoxification (including heavy metals)
- Fibromyalgia
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Malnutrition
- Migraines
- Muscle spasm
- Upper respiratory infection that has been treated
Disclaimer: You should consult your primary care physician before taking vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements or herbal products. Our products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the FDA.