The Love Can’t Be Real And Neither Are Those

The Love Can’t Be Real And Neither Are Those

Everyone has been talking about the recent wedding between Green Mile actor Doug Hutchison and aspiring singer Courtney Alexis Stodden and the controversy just seems endless. He is 51 and she is 16, which makes most stomaches turn (mine included). Not only are these two trying to convince everyone their love is real but Courtney is claiming her breasts are as well. I’d say the likelihood of them being real is the same as this marriage lasting longer than a paper cut.
I can’t decide what is worse: the ridiculous age difference, the fact that a 16 year old could look like that, or the hundreds of extremely inappropriate pictures of this girl that are all over the internet! The only thing I can say I’m sure of about this situation is that her breasts are not real and anyone can see that from the picture below. I think she has had filler put in her lips as well. It’s not that they’re abnormally big, but they protrude unnaturally…which I guess is her theme.

If that one isn’t enough proof, look at this before picture: asked Dr. Walden for her professional opinion on the matter:


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