Plastic Surgery Procedures in Austin, TX

Plastic Surgery Procedures in Austin, TX

At our practice, we offer the latest techniques for a variety of plastic surgery procedures to patients in Austin, TX. Be sure to take a moment and read through our various services. If you are interested in learning more or if you wish to determine whether you are a candidate for treatment, give us a call for a personalized consultation! Dial 512-328-4100 today to speak with our talented staff!

Face Surgery Austin TX


Cosmetic plastic surgery of the face can “turn back time” by reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines, sun damage and sagging skin that can make you look angry, sad or tired. Listed below are some of the procedures we offer to help you look as young and energetic as you feel.

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Breast Surgery Austin TX


Women may decide to undergo plastic surgery to enlarge or reduce their breasts, to achieve a balance in size or shape for their breasts, or to reconstruct one or both breasts after mastectomy. Men may also seek to reduce breast size. Whatever the motivation, breast surgery is safer and easier now than ever before. Please review the list of services we provide to help you make an informed decision and achieve the most satisfying results.

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Body Surgery Austin TX


Sometimes, our bodies just do not respond to diet and exercise the way we want them to. Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures can reshape many areas by removing excess fat and skin and toning muscle. Below are some of the procedures we perform for body contouring.

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Hair Restoration Surgery Austin TX

Hair Restoration

Over 50 million men suffer from hair loss, 40% of men have noticeable hair loss by age 35 and 65% by age 60. For many men, hair loss is inevitable. It is a hereditary condition that increases with age. These genes may be passed from either the maternal or paternal side. Approximately 30 million women suffer from hair loss, 40% of women have noticeable hair loss by age 40. The reasons for hair loss in women often have to do with heredity. Other reasons include hormonal changes, stress, illness, and poor nutrition.

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Laser Center Surgery Austin TX

Laser Center

Laser technology makes it possible to remove unwanted hair and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, stretch marks, acne, rosacea and vascular lesions. Below is an overview of the laser procedures we offer to give you healthier, younger-looking skin.

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Radiofrequency Surgery Austin TX


The demand for noninvasive aesthetic treatments has increased dramatically in the past few years. In 2009, more than 10 million minimally invasive cosmetic procedures were performed in the United States alone, accounting for 88 percent of the total cosmetic procedures performed that year.

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Injectables Surgery Austin TX


Fillers and injectables are used to treat static wrinkles and folds by being placed below the skin’s surface to literally “fill in” or “plump up” the wrinkle or fold.

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Skin Care Austin TX

Skin Care

We offer many services to meet your skin care needs. Noninvasive procedures, such as peels, and our skin care products help refresh the look of your skin, revealing a healthier, younger appearance. We also have an in-house aesthetician and experienced laser technician who will help you achieve your goals.

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Vaginal Rejuvenation Center Austin TX

Vaginal Rejuvenation Center

Vaginal rejuvenation serves many functions: it can improve the appearance of the vagina, relieve discomfort, aid in proper hygiene, increase sexual satisfaction, and boost self-confidence. Vaginal rejuvenation restores the vagina to its youthful appearance and performance by tightening and strengthening the vagina and pelvic floor, as well as making any desired cosmetic adjustments.

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IV Hydration Therapy Austin TX

IV Hydration Therapy

IV hydration therapy can also help you get back to feeling like yourself fast if you feel tired or overworked. These drips provide customized and concentrated IV solutions and boosters to replace key nutrients and vitamins that your body naturally depletes each day, so getting back to the office, boardroom, or herding the kids will seem less like such a monumental task!

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Health & Wellness Services Austin TX

Health & Wellness Services

We are proud to offer a number of Health & Wellness services to our patients including Bioidentical Hormone Therapy, Sexual Wellness procedures, Vaginal Rejuvenation, and IV Hydration therapy.

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Sexual Wellness Austin TX

Sexual Wellness

We are pleased to offer a number of Sexual Wellness procedures to increase libido, enhance intimacy and improve confidence. We will examine additional ways we can help you with your overall well-being as hormone therapy can be highly effective in sexual wellness.

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Schedule your Plastic Surgery Consultation In Austin, TX!

If you wish to learn more about the various services we offer patients in Austin, or if you wish to determine whether you are a candidate for treatment, give us a call for a personalized consultation. Dial 512-328-4100 today or fill out the form in our contact page. Our practice looks forward to serving you!


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(1) EmSculpt or EmSculpt NEO Treatment

10-Units of Botox

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