How SmartGraft is Improving Hair Restoration for Men and Women

How SmartGraft is Improving Hair Restoration for Men and Women

Hair Restoration Austin TX Hair loss can be a distressing problem regardless of age. For both men and women, hair is an indication of youthfulness, vitality, and attractiveness. When hair growth becomes sparse and more hairs are being lost than gained, a person may look older than they are. More importantly, hair loss can minimize the overall confidence a person feels.

Men and women may lose hair differently. For example, many men lose hair beginning at the front hairline and upward over the crown of the head. Women who lose hair tend to do so all over their head, or at the crown, where hair becomes so thin that the scalp can be seen. There are several factors that put a person at risk of hair loss, including hormonal shifts and genetic makeup. Fortunately, these factors may be surmountable with appropriate hair restoration treatment.

We are proud to be the first plastic surgery office in Austin, TX to have equipped our facility with the SmartGraft hair restoration process. Dr. Walden is committed to innovation in medicine and has continually helped patients regain confidence after the onset of hair loss. SmartGraft is a Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique that offers benefits unlike any other hair restoration technique.

Autologous Treatment

The SmartGraft technique harvests hair follicles from another part of your head or body. There is no donor tissue that is not organic to your biology, which means your new hair growth will look completely natural, and that there is a much greater chance of survival after transplant.

No Scars

Conventional hair transplant technique involved harvesting hair follicles with a scalpel and linear technique. Sutures were necessary to close incision lines, which could lead to scarring. The small size of the grafts taken with the SmartGraft technique typically do not disrupt the pattern of hair growth in the harvest area and leave behind no visible scarring.

Fast and Simple

SmartGraft procedures are performed in the office setting and do not include general anesthesia. After the scalp and donor site are numbed with local anesthetic, single follicles are removed in a precise manner. In many cases, only one treatment session is needed. Patients can return to most of their usual activities within a few days after their procedure.

See if SmartGraft is right for you. Contact our Austin office at 512-328-4100 for scheduling assistance.


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