Common signs of aging are difficult to ignore. These include puffiness or dark circles beneath the eyes, an increasing number of lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, loose skin, jowls, and dullness. Several strategies exist to correct these concerns, but many of them involve surgical techniques. If you are wanting a non-surgical, little downtime procedure, The Vampire Facelift might be right for you. The Vampire Facelift, initially developed by Dr. Charles Runels, uses the body’s own magical serum to repair and rejuvenate the skin.
The Science Behind the Vampire Facelift
A Vampire Facelift is a non-surgical rejuvenating procedure that makes use of the pure essence in the blood, hence the name. To address aging skin, a few teaspoons of blood is collected from the arm. Then, vials of blood are placed into a centrifuge, which spins at a high rate of speed to separate the plasma and platelets away from red and white blood cells. This is the substance we want because it has an abundance of growth factors that support new cellular growth and collagen remodeling.
The regenerative qualities of platelet-rich plasma continue for up to three months, achieving results that can last up to two years. To further enhance the outcome of treatment, a hyaluronic acid soft tissue filler is also used to accentuate facial contouring.
What Happens During a Vampire Facelift?
A Vampire Facelift occurs in stages. First, we may apply numbing cream to the face to sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. While the topical medication is taking effect, blood may be drawn from the arm. This is the preparatory stage.
The first treatment stage focuses on facial shaping using soft tissue filler. During this phase, a tiny needle introduces filler to lines and creases or into the cheeks as needed to lift facial tissue and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
The second treatment stage of the Vampire Facelift focuses on regeneration. Once the blood is collected and spun down, the platelet-rich plasma is then drawn into a tiny needle and then injected into the areas of concern. The whole process takes about an hour and typically patients see results within 6 weeks post procedure.
Ready for your Vampire Facelift? Contact our Austin office at 512-328-4100.