After Breast Augmentation: Supporting Your New Breasts

After Breast Augmentation: Supporting Your New Breasts

Breast augmentation can be a very satisfying procedure. Dr. Walden takes care to help each patient consider every possible option to achieve the best outcome for her unique needs. As exciting as it can be to see the results of breast augmentation, women need to think ahead, too. Here, we discuss three key elements of supporting the breasts after the augmentation procedure

Breast implants are very much like natural breast tissue in that they have weight to them. At first, while the breasts are settling into the pocket around them, a surgeon may instruct a patient to go braless. This freedom doesn’t last forever. Once the breasts have “dropped,” they are susceptible to the force of gravity. They move when you move. Over time, the weight of implants and age-related changes to the skin can lead to unwanted “bottoming out.” So, what can you do?

Wear a Supportive Bra

We get it! Once you have the breasts you have always wanted, you might love the idea of lacy, lingerie-like undergarments. We’re not saying don’t wear them. We’re saying that the best bras have certain characteristics. These include:

  • Back closure rather than front closure
  • At least two hooks at the back
  • An underwire that fits against the skin (no arching or bowing)

How can you know if your bra is supportive enough for your breast implants? Bounce. When trying on a bra, bounce up and down a few times. If your breasts move quite a bit when you move in this way, your bra is likely not supportive enough for daily wear and certainly not for exercise. One last note on this: you can wear that lacy bra or go braless. Sometimes. For the most part, your breasts will retain better shape if given adequate support more often than not. 

Support at Night, Too!

While we wouldn’t expect you to be jumping and running around your house on the weekends or at night, we might suggest that you wear a soft cotton bra during these times, too. If you sleep on your stomach, your breasts need support when you’re in bed. Rather than getting it from a bra, they may be kept nicely in place with a tank top that has a shelf bra. Even better, learn to sleep on your side or back. 

Bra Application

Studies suggest that most women do not correctly apply their bras. A well-fit bra should touch the ribcage. Then, when the clasps are hooked, you should scoop up one breast and let it drop into the cup. Scoop up the other and drop it in. If, with this application, breast tissue bulges out of the top of the cup, it’s time to increase your cup size. 

Dr. Walden is a leading plastic surgeon in the Austin area. To schedule an appointment to discuss breast augmentation, call 512.328.4100.


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