Can IV Therapy Boost My Sexual Wellness?

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Can IV Therapy Boost My Sexual Wellness?

Our sexual drive and performance can be impacted by multiple factors. Our hormones are highly influential, as is our level of stress. At some point, nearly every adult struggles to some degree with libido and searches for reasons why. Another step is to search for solutions. From our perspective, there isn’t a much more viable solution for libido problems than IV therapy! We’re proud to offer a wide selection of IV infusions in our  Austin facility. Here, we discuss the benefits of the Enhance Libido IV treatment.

Enhanced Libido with IV Therapy

Many of the solutions that are available for low libido and sexual performance concerns are one-shot fixes. Having some trouble? Pop a pill and wait a few! This might work on one level but it could miss what’s happening beneath the surface. When libido takes a hit, there is a reason why. The Enhance Libido IV improves performance capacity and also gives a boost to sexual interest. It doesn’t do so by stimulating blood flow or through aphrodisiac effects. IV therapy works by delivering the proper nutrients to the cells in the fastest, most efficient way possible. This delivery of nutrients naturally increases blood circulation through the intimate organs, which can achieve multiple rewarding benefits.

The Enhance Libido IV provides a number of vital nutrients. These include amino acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants. 

  • B1, B2, B3, and B5 have a direct effect on circulation. B5, pantothenic acid, affects the production of adrenal hormones, which are involved in stress management. Where there is less stress, there is more opportunity for sexual interest.
  • B12 is a mood and energy-boosting vitamin with clear benefits to sexual desire and pleasure. B12 also supports red blood cell production and histamine secretion, both of which can influence orgasmic capacity.
  • Vitamin C is involved with the synthesis of estrogen, progesterone, and androgen, all vital sexual hormones.
  • Carnitine, an amino acid, affects sperm production and mobility. It also supports circulation.
  • Taurine, a sulfonic acid, supports testosterone levels while also having a relaxing effect on blood vessels and the brain.

Decreased sexual drive and performance issues can significantly diminish the enjoyment of a natural, vital aspect of a vibrant life. For assistance in the area of sexual wellness, contact our Austin office at 512.328.4100 for more information on IV therapy and our other relevant services.


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