How Safe Are Dermal Injectables?

How Safe Are Dermal Injectables?

The use of dermal injectables to enhance the aesthetics of the face or reverse the signs of aging has been safely performed for decades. There is an increasing number of options on the market today. From those like BOTOX®, which relaxes the muscles in the face to prevent the formation or deepening of wrinkles, to hyaluronic fillers that restore volume, dermal fillers are a fast and effective way to help achieve your aesthetic goals.

While dermal injectables are very effective, convenient, and minimally invasive, there are still certain risks that come with their use. Although it is rare to experience severe side effects, a few things to watch out for may require a doctor’s intervention.

As will any injection, there is a certain infection risk around the injection sites. Although this is extremely rare, this can cause additional swelling, pain, discoloration, or scarring. Generally, good hygiene and vigilance in keeping the treatment site clean after the procedure are enough to keep infections at bay.

Another concern is when injectables, especially fillers, are used over wide or large areas. While fillers such as hyaluronic acid are very effective at restoring lost volume in sections of the face, there is also a limit on how much can be restored in a single visit. If too much filler is used, severe swelling and pain can occur and a disproportional look to your face.

Although recovery after each treatment session is relatively minimal and without restrictions, each person’s body metabolizes and accepts the treatments differently. Patients have reported various levels of swelling, bruising, and minor pain. These common side effects fade over time, but their severity and duration vary with each patient.

If you are interested in adding dermal injectables to your aesthetic treatment plan but are concerned about the potential risks and side effects, call the office in Austin, TX at 512-325-4100, or visit to speak with one of the expert doctors or aestheticians. They will be able to answer your questions and concerns and make a customized treatment plan.


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