Things You Need to Know Before Getting an Eyelid Lift

Things You Need to Know Before Getting an Eyelid Lift

Aesthetic treatments are common enough these days. People want to look and feel their best, and cosmetic procedures can help with that. That’s exactly what Dr. Jennifer Walden’s clinic provides.

Among the procedures that might help you is the eyelid lift. As the name implies, it targets aesthetic concerns around the eyes. It’s a relatively simple procedure that can provide you with impressive results. Before diving in, there are a few things you want to know about the procedure.

What Does an Eyelid Lift Address?

Eyelid lifts provide cosmetic and aesthetic benefits to patients. The exact results vary from person to person, but in general, you might consider an eyelid lift to help with droopy eyes or excess skin in the area.

If you want a clear idea of exactly what the procedure can do for you, a consultation with Jennifer Walden, MD, will provide that information.

What Do Recovery and Aftercare Look Like?

Before any procedure, your doctor will discuss recovery and aftercare with you, and they will customize that explanation according to your physical state and medical history.

That said, some general ideas of recovery can help you decide which procedures can fit into your lifestyle. Eyelid lift surgeries are classified as outpatient procedures. That means you can usually go home the same day you receive the treatment.

The surgery itself generally comes with mild discomfort while you heal, but it typically won’t last more than a few days. It’s worth noting that you should plan on not driving for the rest of the day after the procedure.

Notably, swelling and bruising around the eye are normal for up to two weeks after the procedure. You can safely return to most jobs within five days of the treatment, but you should avoid strenuous activity for around three weeks.

Aside from giving your body time to recover, there are no major aftercare procedures. Dr. Walden will explain if you need to use any post-op medications, but that is all case by case. Generally speaking, recovery is easy.

Schedule a Consultation Today

If an eyelid lift might suit you, call Aesthetic Plastic Surgery today at 512-328-4100. You can also use the online form to schedule a consultation. When you visit the Austin clinic, Dr. Jennifer Walden will work with you to explore options to ensure you get the care you need.


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