Brow Lift Recovery: What to Expect

Brow Lift Recovery: What to Expect

Brow lift recovery If you’re thinking about getting a brow lift, you’re likely excited about your new look—and for good reason. Many people find that a brow lift helps them feel and look younger by reducing wrinkles and reshaping their eyebrows. Here, we’ll take a look at what you can expect in the time following your brow lift procedure.

Immediately Post-Procedure

Since you’ll be under anesthesia during your brow lift procedure, it’s important that you bring someone to the appointment who will be able to drive you home.

A brow lift is an outpatient procedure so you won’t be in surgery for a long time, and it’s highly unlikely that you’ll need to stay at the office for an extended period of time following your procedure. Immediately after your brow lift is complete, you’ll move to a recovery site where your surgeon will examine the affected area to ensure that there aren’t any complications.

You’ll also need someone to stay with you during the first night following your surgery, as well as the day after your surgery. It’s a good idea to have this person with you when you’re talking to your surgeon after your procedure. Your surgeon will give instructions on how to care for the surgical area, what medications you can use to ease any pain that comes with the healing process, how to use cold packs to alleviate swelling, and how long you’ll need to take it easy as your body heals.

The Days After Your Brow Lift

You’ll also have bandages over your staples or stitches after surgery. Your surgeon will give you instructions on when to remove your bandages (usually at least 24 hours after your surgery).

Most people are able to go back to work or school (or other daily activities) about two weeks after their brow lift procedure. Your surgeon may recommend that you wait even longer to return to strenuous activities (like exercise classes or running).

Dr. Jennifer Walden, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

If you’re looking for a facial plastic surgeon who will work with you to create the look that you want, you’re in the right place. Reach out to Aesthetic Plastic Surgery today by calling 512-328-4100 to schedule your appointment. We’re excited about getting to know you!


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