Transaxillary in Austin, TX

Transaxillary in Austin, TX


Transaxillary Endoscopic Breast Augmentation in an approach to breast enlargement that allows for your breast implants to be placed with no incisions on your breasts. The technique utilizes a small incision in the top of the armpit that is first used to place an endoscope, or tiny camera, that allows for precise creation of a tissue pocket with optimal control and visualization all steps of the procedure.

After creation of the tissue pocket internally, saline or silicone gel implants can be placed, depending upon your preference. Recovery from the procedure is identical to any other approach for breast augmentation, except that the early postoperative soreness associated with the incision location will be in the armpit.

Dr. Walden is one of the few surgeons in the Central Texas area to offer this approach and has followed the advancing technical refinements of transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation since its inception. This experience has helped to make breast implant placement using this approach more routine and predictable, with the advantage of avoiding incisions and scars on your breasts. Dr. Walden will discuss the option of transaxillary endoscopic breast augmentation with you, if you are an appropriate candidate, as you consider your options for breast augmentation. If you have a desire for this technical approach please mention it at your initial consultation as well.

Why Do Patients Choose the Transaxillary Incision Location for Their Augmentation Surgery?

When Dr. Walden places implants through incisions in the armpit, this doesn’t require any incisions on the breasts. Of course, that means there will not be any scarring. That isn’t the case with the typical incision placed at the bottom of the breast crease. This incision leaves a scar on each breast.

Also, the transaxillary incision doesn’t require cutting the breast tissue in order to place the implants behind the pectoral muscle. Again, this isn’t the case with the inframammary incision along the breast crease.

Many plastic surgeons aren’t comfortable with the transaxillary incision, but thanks to Dr. Walden’s training, experience, and expertise using the endoscope for these procedures, our patients love this incision option.

Who Is a Candidate for Transaxillary Endoscopic Breast Augmentation?

If a patient is healthy enough to have breast augmentation surgery, she is a great candidate for this incision location with Dr. Walden.

The decision to have breast augmentation in general, regardless of the incision method, is a completely personal one. If you’ve never felt your breasts were proportional with your overall figure, augmentation can change that. Asymmetrical breasts can be made symmetrical and larger, should you choose. Or maybe you’d just like to have larger breasts.

One thing about your decision to have breast augmentation — it has to be for you and you alone. The decision to augment your breasts should not be made for a spouse, partner, or anyone else. This needs to be something you want…for you.

What Is Recovery Like After Having Transaxillary Endoscopic Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is surgery, but your recovery is not as difficult as you might assume. For the first few days, you will have some discomfort, but it doesn’t usually require serious pain medication. Your chest will feel tight, but this is perfectly normal as the tissue needs to stretch and the implants need to settle into place. When you first look at your new breasts, they may appear too high on the chest. But this is also normal, as settling will bring the implants down somewhat.

Most patients can return to work in just three or four days. You can begin non-impact activity in a week or so, but impact exercise needs to wait for at least one month. Specific upper body exercises can resume in six weeks.

Is Recovery From Transaxillary Breast Augmentation More Painful Than With Incisions Made Along the Breast Crease?

This incision location is no different when it comes to recovery pain than any other placement.

The incisions made in the armpits are quite small and those areas aren’t serviced by a large number of nerves. Most of our patients are amazed at how minimally painful these augmentation procedures are, equating the feeling to the aching that would follow a very strenuous upper body workout a couple days prior at the gym. That could be discounting recovery just a bit, but you get the idea.

The only difference between this method when it comes to recovery discomfort is that the incision soreness is in the armpit rather than on the breast. After a couple days, most of the pain is behind you. Patients can often return to work in just three days, so you can use that as a gauge of pain…of lack thereof.

What Are the Risks Involved With Endoscopic Transaxillary Augmentation?

These are surgeries, so they have the risks inherent with any surgery: excessive bleeding, infection, poor wound healing, reaction to anesthesia, and the like. Thanks to Dr. Walden’s board-certified training and experience, these are quite low.

Specific to placement through the armpits, there is a risk of the implants not being symmetrical, but this is not a problem when an endoscope is used.

There is a risk of developing axillary banding in the fibrous bands impacted, but this typically resolves over a few weeks. There is a risk of developing an axillary hematoma. Also, there can be temporary swelling of the lymph nodes under the arm.

Some of the risks with any augmentation apply to this incision location. They are potential implant asymmetry, implant rupture, and capsular contracture.

Am I Able to Breastfeed After Breast Augmentation?

Another benefit of the transaxillary incision is that it doesn’t impact the milk glands in the breast in any way. This can be a problem when the incisions are made around the areolae.

What Can I Expect of My Results From Transaxillary Breast Augmentation?

This procedure has extremely high rates of satisfaction. A recent study from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that 98 percent of women felt their augmentation either met or exceeded their expectations.

Over 90 percent of the women also said they felt the procedure increased their self-esteem. For many women, this procedure changes their entire body image.

Implant durability is continuing to improve. Although most implants will need to be replaced at least once in a patient’s life, there is no specific timeline. Manufacturers guarantee their implants for at least 10 years, and many patients have implants that can last double that time. Plus, replacing implants is not difficult as Dr. Walden can usually enter through the same original incisions to remove the old implants and place the new ones.

If you are interested in transaxillary breast augmentation surgery from Dr. Walden, please contact us today.


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