


What is the VI-Peel?

The unique blend of ingredients in the ViPeel produces powerful results. This medical-grade chemical peel has Phenol in it, which makes it pain free. There is no skin preparation necessary, and very little downtime. ViPeel is a combination of several of the most effective medical peel agents available:

  • TCA – Trichloroacetic Acid for penetration, stimulates collagen growth
  • Retin-A – acid derived from vitamin A to combat wrinkles
  • Salicylic Acid – this beta hydroxy acid (BHA) is an exfoliant
  • Phenol – has antiseptic and anesthetic properties, aids in skin penetration
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid has antioxidant and mild exfoliation properties

What can the VI-Peel Be Used for?

The Vi Peel can be used for:

  • hyperpigmentation and melasma
  • sun damage
  • improving skin tone and texture
  • clearing up acne & reducing acne scars
  • stimulating collagen growth and elastin production, for younger looking skin
  • reducing the appearance of pores
  • works on all skin types Fitzpatrick I-VI

How is the VI-Peel Procedure Performed?

Your skin will be prepped with alcohol to remove all oils. A first layer will be applied which slightly numbs the skin. You may feel brief stinging for 5 to 10 seconds. Subsequent layers are applied until your skin “frosts”. The peel is left on and will self-neutralize over the next 6 hours. Your skin will feel and look tighter with a glow.

Skin will darken to look tanned, then the peeling will begin on Day 3 with Peel completion by Day 7. Your new skin will be much smoother, clearer and more tone-balanced.

  • stay out of the sun (within reason) during the peel process
  • no working out or sweating excessively for the first three days
  • no picking, peeling or “helping” skin flake off

What Side Effects Might Occur after a VI Peel?

The VI Peel is popular because it can achieve clinical-level improvements with little risk, few side effects, and minimal downtime. Your experience will be unique to you and may or may not include side effects such as the following:

  • Mild burning or stinging sensation
  • Itchiness in the treatment area
  • Slight swelling
  • Temporary skin discoloration

I Have Acne-Prone Skin. Can I Get VI Peel Treatment?

You can! The VI Peel is truly remarkable in the wide variety of skin types, tones, and conditions it can treat. According to a review of studies, chemical peels are generally considered safe and tolerable among people with acne. That said, we are careful in our consultation and initial examination process. We want to provide the best results that chemical peels can achieve without potentially irritating your skin! Some of the reasons chemical peels are considered beneficial for acne-prone skin include:

  • Reduction in oil production
  • The ingredients in the VI peel destroy acne-causing bacteria
  • The breakdown of the outer layer of the skin can reduce pore blockages
  • Reduction in inflammation
  • Salicylic acid is proven to gradually reduce acne scarring

How Should I Care for My Skin After My VI Peel?

The VI Peel is often referred to as a "no downtime" peel, but that doesn't mean you won't experience some flaking and peeling three to seven days after your appointment. You can wash your face four to six hours after your VI Peel is applied. This should be done at least one hour before bed and can be done with a gentle cleanser and water. Our team may provide you with an aftercare kit or recommend appropriate products to use while your skin sloughs and regenerates new tissue. In addition to washing your face every day with a gentle cleanser, it's important to also apply moisturizer. Because the peel can dry out your skin, you may be advised to apply moisturizer up to four times a day for the week after your treatment. Additionally, if you go outside, apply broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat.

How Often Should I Get VI Peels?

The frequency of your VI Peel treatments is entirely up to you. At your consultation visit, we'll perform a careful examination of your skin, paying close attention to the concerns you've brought up. Your provider will talk with you about the results you can expect from your VI Peel and, if warranted for more significant tissue recovery, when you should schedule your next treatment. Generally, we leave at least four weeks in between sessions. It takes about 28 days for the body to produce new collagen, so we want to give it the full amount of time to reveal healthier, clearer, more resilient skin.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

Interested in learning more about VI-Peels and chemical peels in general? Call 512-328-4100 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Jennifer Walden today!


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