Fighting Father Time

Fighting Father Time

With an 88% increase in male Plastic Surgery procedures in the last 15 years, you may have noticed that it has become more acceptable and common for men to keep up with their appearances just as their wives have done for years. You may have also noticed that couples like Brad Pitt and Angenlina Jolie, Jay-Z and Beyonce, and the Beckhams continue to look refreshed and even younger as the years roll by. It seems that the new trend is for couples to have Plastic Surgery procedures together.

In the younger years, Liposuction is common for couples to undergo together to maintain their figures. As the couples age together, electing for couples Face Lifts is very common. Often times, the wife will go first and then coach her husband through the healing process based on her own experience. Dr. Walden recently appeared on Good Day Austin on Fox 7, an Austin News Station, to discuss this. See what she had to say about Good Day Austin’s anchor Joe Bickett:


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