Mommy wants a makeover!

Mommy wants a makeover!

What mom wouldn’t love to have her pre-baby body back or to be able to fit into that favorite pair of skinny jeans? These days more and more women are looking to plastic surgery to fix the areas that diet and exercise may not always help. Recent studies show that 62% of mothers would consider having a mommy makeover. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons the number of women having tummy tucks has increased 85%, breast lifts have increased 70%, and breast augmentation has increased 39% since 2000. This increase is due in part to the increasing acceptability and accessibility of plastic surgery. Women no longer have to accept what nature has dealt them. With new advances in plastic surgery such as new breast implants with lower rupture rates and new formed shells that hold their shape better over the years and noninvasive rejuvenation methods such as Botox, its no surprise at the increasing number of women looking to enhance or correct their natural looks. Women want to look as young and vibrant as they feel on the inside. In only a matter of hours women are able to take 10-15 years off of their looks with a facelift procedure or correct problems such as hook nose or prominent nose that have caused them insecurities all of their life. With so many different options available there is a treatment for anyone looking to make changes to their looks .


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(1) EmSculpt or EmSculpt NEO Treatment

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