Sunscreen Each Day Prevents Wrinkles

Sunscreen Each Day Prevents Wrinkles

Dr. Jennifer Walden discussed the recent findings of a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, proving that sunscreen can reduce visible skin aging, with KXAN.

The study, which was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal, kept track of participants sunscreen usage over 4.5 years. Half of the study’s participants were instructed to use sunscreen everyday and to reapply after prolonged water immersion, sweating, or multiple hours outdoors. The other half were only told to apply as they normally would. At the end of the study, the results proved very interesting yet not surprising. Using silicone hand impressions, scientists saw 24% less skin aging in the group that used sunscreen regularly vs. the the group that only used sunscreen sporadically.

To reap the benefits of the study, Dr. Walden recommends using at least SPF 15 sunscreen with broad spectrum protection that shields skin from UVA and UVB rays with frequent reapplication. Any lower SPF rating only protects skin from skin cancer and doesn’t protect against skin aging. Seeking shade from the sun, wearing a wide brim hat and sunglasses, and staying indoors during peak sunlight hours from 10am until 4pm also helps.


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