Dr. Jennifer Walden, First in Austin: Thermitight Lower Face & Necklift

Dr. Jennifer Walden, First in Austin: Thermitight Lower Face & Necklift

With Thermitight technology at Dr. Jennifer Walden’s office, you can address mild to moderate neck laxity and fat with a minimally invasive and elegant solution without the downtime of a surgical procedure. For those with more advanced aging such as platysmal (neck) bands, a lot of submental fat, and severe skin laxity, a surgical face and necklift is the gold standard and will likely remain your best option. Dr. Walden can examine you at your consultation to determine what the best and most efficacious option is for you!

Thermitight AustinWhat is Thermitight Technology?

Thermitight technology is designed to help target rid the effects and signs of aging without having to undergo an invasive surgery. By using thermal energy, Thermitight involves inserting a tiny probe into the skin of the lower face and neck. Once the probe has been inserted in the subdermal plane, radiofrequency energy is then applied to the targeted area in order to cause the tissues to shrink and collagen to tighten.

What is it used for?

Thermitight technology is used to tighten and lift sagging skin due to things such as sun damage, heredity, environmental skin damage, or simply aging.

What is recovery time like?

One of the biggest reasons that people forego getting surgery is due to the amount of recovery time that accompanies it. However, Thermitight will allow you a more minimally invasive option under local anesthesia, and recovery time is very minimal— lasting only around 24 hours. Although some swelling might occur directly after the procedure, it should go down within 24 hours and you should be back to feeling like your self once again without pain medication.

If you’re interested in Thermitight with Dr. Jennifer Walden, the first physician in Austin, Texas to offer the new technology, and would like to schedule a consultation with our office, contact us today!


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