Remove that Double Chin: Think Kybella

Remove that Double Chin: Think Kybella

We’ve all seen a picture of ourselves or looked in the mirror only to notice, that we have… how many chins? And although most people can make themselves look like they have more than one chin, it isn’t always an optical illusion. If you have excess fat under your chin and you just can’t seem to get rid of it, think Kybella.  Excess submental fat is often genetic or inherited, and can also be related to your neck and chin anatomy as well as hormonal influences.

KybellaWhat Is Kybella?
As one of the newest, FDA approved treatments on the cosmetic surgery market, Kybella is a treatment for individuals who suffer from moderate to severe excess fat under their chin. Composed of deoxycholic acid, the acid made by the body that naturally destroys and targets fat cells, Kybella is designed to destroy the excess fat under the chin. When properly injected into the submental fat, Kybella destroys fat cells.

Is It Effective?
Although new to the market, clinical studies show that Kybella is an effective treatment method to help eliminate the excess fat under the chin. Because it is an injectable, in order for Kybella to be the most effective, up to about 20 injections will need to be made at one time, in order to ensure that all fat cells are being targeted and ultimately destroyed.

Is It Safe?
You can rest assured that if administered in the submental portion of the face (under the chin) Kybella is able to destroy fat cells and give better contour in select and appropriate candidates. And although it is being viewed as a dream injection by many, it has only been approved for the submental area of the body and should not be used elsewhere.

Kybella is an FDA approved injectable that is designed solely to eliminate the excess fat under the chin in order to make individuals look and feel better about themselves. Don’t wait a minute longer— schedule an appointment today!

To learn more about Kybella or to schedule an appointment with one of our medical professionals, contact the office of Dr. Jennifer Walden in Austin, Texas today!


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