Tummy Tuck Surgery Doesn’t Need to be Stressful

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Austin, TX

Tummy Tuck Surgery Doesn’t Need to be Stressful

Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Austin, TX We don’t usually consider how a cosmetic surgery procedure can be stressful. What tends to dominate is the sense of excitement at the thought of having a new and improved shape. That is the whole point of cosmetic surgery, isn’t it? To get results? We get so much joy out of helping patients realize their ideal shape. Additionally, it is important to us that each patient has the best possible experience. With summer just ahead, interest in procedures like abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is increasing. Here, we want to suggest a few easy ways to make sure recovery doesn’t feel like a stressful transition.

Tip #1 – Start taking care of your body before surgery

Abdominoplasty is about body contouring. Like liposuction, the tummy tuck procedure is performed as more of an “icing on the top” treatment that puts the finishing touches on a physique that is already being maintained. Tummy tucks are not intended for weight loss. This procedure cannot achieve the best results when there is excess fatty tissue around the midsection. Therefore, patients do themselves a favor by developing healthy eating and exercise habits before their tummy tuck. Furthermore, a nourished body is a body that can heal more efficiently.

Tip #2 – Get help

Abdominoplasty isn’t a highly risky procedure, but it is complex nonetheless. To flatten the midsection, excess skin may be removed. The muscles that have separated or severely loosened are adjusted and secured into a tighter position. This all takes place right in the core of the abdominal cavity. We’ll be right up front here and say that the simple task of standing up straight will be difficult for a few days after surgery. For this reason, and because you may be tired and groggy from pain medication, it is vital that you have physical and emotional support after your tummy tuck. Once you think you’ve arranged all the help you need, arrange just a bit more. You’ll be glad you did.

Tip #3 – Listen to your doctor.

Dr. Walden is a leading cosmetic surgeon who has performed thousands of procedures. Post-operative instructions are developed based on years of experience and follow-up. Therefore, if you simply follow your doctor’s orders regarding pain medication, nutrition, and physical activity, your recovery process is much more likely to be void of unnecessary stress.

Learn more about abdominoplasty and our other body-contouring treatments. Contact our Austin office at 512-328-4100.


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