Plastic Surgery Practice Gets the Latest on Dr. Walden

Plastic Surgery Practice Gets the Latest on Dr. Walden

In the May issue of Plastic Surgery Practice, Dr. Jennifer Walden dishes on motherhood, her new practice, and having it all by her own terms.

Since returning to Austin, TX with her twin boys and starting her new practice, Dr. Walden has been extremely busy…turns out, the most popular procedure in New York as well as Austin is breast augmentation with implants.

Dr. Walden explained that in New York her top procedures were breast augmentation and rhinoplasty, and here in Austin it’s breast augmentation, augmentation with lift, and then rhinoplasty and facelift. Reinforcing the old saying ‘Everything is bigger in Texas’, Dr. Walden dished that Austin women choose larger-size implants, about 150 cubic centimeters (cc) larger than NYC ladies.

Although plastic surgery is still a male-dominated field, Walden said times are changing. “I can see a slow evolution of acceptance of the strengths of women plastic surgeons and an attempt by the plastic surgery societies to really support women plastic surgeons, “ Dr. Walden said. More plastic surgery residency programs are becoming more female-friendly. And Dr. Walden believes that soon we will see more female plastic surgeons. For many women, Dr. Walden included, the field of plastic surgery is a lifestyle choice and one that requires sacrifices, both small and large.

To read more on Dr. Walden’s transition from New York to Austin, check out the oh-so-talented Denise Mann’s article “What a Girl Wants” in Plastic Surgery Practice!


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