Plastic surgery a tool to stop bullying
When you think of plastic surgery, children don’t typically come to mind, however, Dr. Jennifer Walden visited Austin’s KXAN Newsroom last Tuesday to discuss the powerful effects plastic surgery can play in controlling the level of bullying a child might receive for their appearance.
Dr. Walden said that plastic surgery can help children who fall victim to bullying because of certain anatomical problems. Procedures that teenagers or children might have include otoplasty, the pinning of the ears, for prominent ears, rhinoplasty for nose reshaping and male breast reduction for a large breast size in male teenagers.
Dr. Walden believes that new age media including photo-sharing applications such as Facebook and Instagram have aided the level of embarrassment, stress and anxiety attributed to bullying. Although plastic surgery is in no way a cure-all for bullying, it can help for certain specific problems and may boost a child’s confidence level.
Dr. Walden suggests involving other factors when making the decision on whether plastic surgery is an option. She suggests the approval of all members involved, including approval from pediatrician, clinical psychologists and even a psychiatrist if necessary.