Teenagers Turn to Plastic Surgery to End Bullying

Teenagers Turn to Plastic Surgery to End Bullying

As the Internet and social media become so much a part of our everyday lives, the pressure has mounted for teens and young adults to look a certain way.

More teens are undergoing the knife after being tormented about the way they look.

Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jennifer Walden sat down with KTBC – Fox Austin to discuss the rising trend of plastic surgery in young adults.

“There has been a 30 percent rise in teenage plastic surgery in the last decade,” said Dr. Walden.

Dr. Walden said she performs a cosmetic procedure on a teenager at least once a month, and she’ll soon operate on 15-year-old Brianna Cruz.

Cruz says she was bullied because of her nose from a young age, and has finally made the decision, with her mother’s consent, to seek plastic surgery.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were more than 76,000 cosmetic surgical procedures performed on teens in 2011. Nearly half were nose reshapings, and the other most common procedures were breast augmentation, ear surgery and male breast reduction.

With any procedure on a minor, parents should be involved in the decision-making process and should consult with a plastic surgeon that is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.


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