Austin American-Statesman Reporter Gets Hands-on Experience with the Vectra 3D!

Austin American-Statesman Reporter Gets Hands-on Experience with the Vectra 3D!

Recently, well-loved Austin American-Statesman reporter Omar L. Gallaga interviewed Dr. Jennifer Walden about her latest technological addition to her West Lake Hills-area plastic surgery practice, the Vectra 3D.

During the interview, Dr. Walden described the Vectra 3D which she has been using since September, and even gave Gallaga a first-hand experience with the machine.

The machine works by taking multiple photos of the desired area – whether it be the face, upper or lower body – which are then digitally simulated on the computer screen, allowing Dr. Walden to modify the patients appearance. The machine is useful to both plastic surgeons and patients, because the 3D image is a more accurate analysis of the anatomy, but also because it gives patients an idea of what to expect before the first incision is ever made.

After Gallaga posed in front of the machine and his picture was digitalized on the computer screen, Dr. Walden carefully modified the tip of his nose, in what she described was a ‘conservative nose job.’ Using the Vectra system, Dr. Walden was able to rotate the 3D model of Gallaga’s face, and even produce side-by-side frontal and profile views of the changes made with the 3D system.

To read Gallaga’s take on his experience with the Vectra 3D, visit the Austin American-Statesman website, here!


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