Microneedle Your Way to Better Skin

Microneedle Your Way to Better Skin

The concept of puncturing the skin in microscopic ways to trigger a wound-healing response in the body is not new. It was originally tried back in the 50s, but then passed out of favor. It returned in the 90s with the use of tattoo guns, minus the ink, to lessen the appearance of post-surgical scars.

microneedling austin tx | platelet-rich plasma therapy (PRP)Today this is called microneedling. Dr. Walden uses microneedling to improve skin texture and firmness, and to reduce scars, pore size, and stretch marks. The goal of microneedling is to create new collage and elastin, making the skin younger looking.

How is it done?

Today’s microneedling pens are like the old tattoo guns on steroids. The pen has 12 tiny needles whose puncture depth can be adjusted. The pen is moved over the target areas of the skin and the needles create microscopic punctures, also known as channels, down into the skin. Despite the punctures being very tiny, the body reacts as if wounded. It produces new collagen and elastin to repair the injury.

A side benefit of microneedling is that we are able to apply topical gels, creams, and hyaluronic acid serums to the skin, which are better absorbed through the micro-channels created by the pen. This efficient delivery of these materials further improves the skin.

It has to hurt, right?

You would think puncturing your skin with a series of 12 needles over and over again would hurt. But the reality is that it doesn’t hurt at all. We apply a topical numbing cream prior to your microneedling session and that’s all you need.

What conditions can be treated?

Unlike laser skin treatments, microneedling can be done on all skin tones, without causing hyperpigmentation. It can be done anywhere on the body, as well.

Here are the conditions we treat with microneedling:

  • Acne scars
  • Large pores
  • Fine lines
  • Uneven texture
  • Stretch marks

Interested in microneedling for better skin? Call us at 512.328.4100 to schedule an appointment.


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