Getting Your Tattoo Removed

Laser Tattoo Removal Austin, TX

Getting Your Tattoo Removed

Laser Tattoo Removal Austin TX | Remove Tattoos We could only wish to have no regrets in life — and in the inks on our skin. Every day that we have to deal with a tattoo that we hate can be a struggle. But if you think that a laser tattoo removal will solve your dilemma in a single snap, you may need to learn a few important things before you go under the laser. Take note of these five helpful reminders regarding tattoo removal:

Set realistic expectations.

As with any other medical or cosmetic procedure, setting realistic expectations is always advised. Know that no tattoo removal procedure is guaranteed. Some tattoos disappear only partially after being treated a couple of times. Others can still leave a ghost-like image of the tattoo or a permanent raised scar.

You may need multiple treatments.

As much as you’d want to get rid of an unloved ink as soon as possible, this isn’t usually the case. You might need multiple tattoo removal sessions to obtain significant results, and forcing them in fewer sessions may increase your risk of complications and side effects.

Your tattoo placement matters.

The location of your tattoo can determine the quality of the results. Usually, those located further down the heart, such as in the legs, can fade slower than those close to where better circulation is.

Results can depend on the quality of the tattoo.

If your tattoo was done by a professional, the ink might have penetrated much deeper into the skin at equal levels, which may be less easy to remove. Meanwhile, amateur tattoos may have been done unevenly, making the removal challenging yet easier to treat. Dr. Walden is now the first in Austin to offer PiQo4 laser tattoo removal, a best-in-class device to treat multi-colored tattoos.

If you want to learn more about laser tattoo removal and its results, ask the experts! Call us today to schedule an appointment.


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